Upgrade proposal detected

Celestia Celestia

Celestia is a modular blockchain network whose goal is to build a scalable data availability layer, enabling the next generation of scalable blockchain architectures - modular blockchains. Celestia scales by decoupling execution from consensus and introducing a new primitive, data availability sampling.

Installation instructions

Instructions for installing a node and joining the network. It's based on Cosmovisor to facilitate easier and faster upgrade handling.


Upgrade instructions

Is it time for an upgrade? Follow the instructions here to add the latest version to your Cosmovisor installation.


Public services

We provide a number of public services, such as RPC, gRPC, REST, seed nodes, etc.


Network map

Interested in statistics on geographic distribution and cloud provider concentration of the chain? Check out network map to see how decentralized the node operators of the network is.

Network map