Upgrade proposal detected

Dig will create IBC-compatible real estate and apply Cosmos governance to real world projects. It's compatible with many legal regimes because it's going to break the network into smaller, jurisdictionally compliant chains.
Upgrade (Ubuntu/Debian)
Wen upgrade, ser?
Since you are using Cosmovisor, you can do this as soon as the upgrade has been announced. No need to wait for the upgrade block! Cosmovisor will monitor the chain and start the new version when it's time.
Compile and install latest digd
cd $HOME
rm -rf dig
git clone https://github.com/notional-labs/dig
cd dig
# Compile version v2.0.1
git checkout v2.0.1
make build -B
mkdir -p $HOME/.digd/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mv build/digd $HOME/.digd/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/
Sit back and relax
That's it! Now you can wait for the upgrade block. When it happens, Cosmovisor should detect in and launch the new version. You will be up and running in under a minute normally.
If you want to monitor things, keep an eye on the logs:
sudo journalctl -u digd -f --no-hostname -o cat